Monday, June 27, 2011


My kids have never had a cookie.  Is that weird to you or are you like me?  I have finally allowed a bit of ice cream.  Apple still needs a lot of fattening up yet I would rather do it the "healthy" way with avocados and lots of milk!
Last night I decided that it was time for them to have a cookie so I thought we would start with homemade at least and do an oatmeal raisin.  A little healthy right?!  They have not had candy or chocolate and I am no where near ready to try that yet but oatmeal I can handle.
Half-way through baking I felt my anxiety rising and rising and realized I am just not ready for them to have cookies yet.  They don't know what they are missing and don't I want to keep it that way as long as I can?!
As I quietly told my husband, he was previously excited to hear I was "finally" going to let them eat cookies, I felt so much better and made the rest of the cookies for his work.
I know Apple needs to fatten up but don't I want to continue with healthier ways while I can before they can make more of their own decisions?
I feel good about my decision.  After talking with Kev for awhile, he understands as well.....for now.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Start of Summer!

It has been a busy start to our summer!  Now that the weather is nice we are less likely to get sick and we can be out in the world more without it landing us in the hospital for a weekend!
I think because we are out doing more it seems like they are getting old fast....they are becoming more like kids and less like!
We started our summer literally at Start of Summer Celebration and rode our first roller coaster!

We also celebrated Grandma's birthday!

We also took a road trip to the zoo to see some giraffes for Father's Day weekend!

And ride a carousal!

We've also done a little of this...

Whatever comes next this summer, we are ready!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Apple's First Real Haircut

It had to be done, Apple has become a big boy!
His hair was just getting to long in the back and even though Danielle was on maternity leave still, we couldn't wait.
Tara did a wonderful job and made him stay as much of my baby as she could.
Apple didn't hate the process but he wasn't overly thrilled about it either.  I'm fine with that!