Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Apple was so cute today. They always have these little knit hats that are made by volunteers and today we walked in and he had a matching outfit to his hat! Loved it! He is definitely the best dressed of NIM! He also might be the fastest growing, up to 3 lbs. 5 1/2 oz! Such a growing boy!
Aw, you can see Apple's hospital picture on their website now! Not that they are great pictures but it is a normal baby thing that I am glad to have. You can check it out at:
She also took her first swing today. She is still a bit small for it so she wasn't in it long but she seemed to enjoy it!

Monday, March 30, 2009


Gwyneth wBooeighs 5 lbs. 2 oz! Her doctor's appointment went great today, she was very well behaved and it was nice to be able to show her off a little since we aren't taking her anywhere. We are upping her feedings another 5 mls.

Boo's first bath at home

Apple still keeps on gaining, he is up to 3 lbs. 3 oz! He is getting so strong and big! We can't wait for him to come home.

Sunday, March 29, 2009


Our little lion is up to 3 lbs. 3 oz!! Oh my goodness! He is taking a bottle here and there, today it seems like it is every other time so we are thrilled!
Boo has her first doctor's appointment tomorrow afternoon, it is weird not knowing her daily weight! She is adjusting to home life well, her awake time seems to be around her 3:00 am feeding. She has been up a bit today so hopefully she will sleep tonight. Grandma fed her for the first time at her 9:00 feeding and they both seem quite content. They are still enjoying their time together...

Friday, March 27, 2009


Apple already weighs 3 lbs! We can not believe it!! They are adding Human Milk Fortifier (extra vitamins and calories) to his bottles and it must really make a difference!
We had a good night with Boo, she was a bit fussy after one of her feedings last night but all the rest she went right back to sleep afterward.
Kevin let me take a nap this afternoon and then we all headed up to see Apple for a couple of hours.Boo  and I just got done with some skin to skin time and Kevin and I are enjoying a bowl of cereal before we head to bed.
I can't believe Apple weighs 3 lbs!!!

Thursday, March 26, 2009


Boo is home! It feels a little like we are just babysitting, it is so wild! I love it! Makenzie came over to spend the night and got to spend some close time with her little sis. It was wonderful to see!

Boo loves her car seat!

Apple is back up to 2 lbs. 13 oz! They continue to lower his isolette temperature and he is doing great maintaining his own temperature. They still can't pop the top because there is a weight requirement but he is ready. He took about 1 1/2 bottles today and was again wide awake afterward for a while.
Today I think was much harder than the day I left the hospital and couldn't bring either of them home. While we were thrilled to be bringinBoog Gwyneth home, it broke my heart to have to leave our little man there without his sister. We just have to remember that is the best place for him right now and we really are blessed to have such healthy, happy babies.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Boo got her feeding tube taken out today! Her little face is so adorable!

Apple took two whole bottles today! He was awake for about 1 1/2 hours after taking his 3:00 bottle.
It was so nice for both of us to spend some time with him.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Another fabulous day with the babes! We stopped at Target on our way out for a couple of things for them and I thought I could walk. Big mistake. I had spent the morning feeling like it was my best day yet and later paid the price for pushing it.
Boo is bottling every time and taking her whole feeding. She is waking up a bit before feeding and staying awake for awhile after.Apple is bottling about half of his feedings half the time....does that make sense?! He is still doing more than they thought he could, he is such a strong little man!!

Monday, March 23, 2009


Apple can now bottle feed at any of his feedings if he is up for it. They feed every 3 hours and he has taken some by bottle at every one since his 9:00 feeding today! He is so amazing. I noticed this in Apple's notes today under his daily exam: "sleepy, woke for exam, no crying, MAD". Te he! Everyone keeps using the word "fiery" for him.

Kevin is finally feeling better so he got to feed Apple today for the first time. I loved it. We were just talking about how we can't imagine life without one of them even though I had a bit of anxiety this afternoon when Kevin left and I was alone with the two of them for the first time. Luckily it quickly passed!
Boo never has much in her notes, she is just cruising right along! The doctor did tell me today that they are thrilled with how far along they are given their age. That is always nice to hear! She is bottling at every feeding now, taking most if not all every time. It even looks like her cheeks are starting to fill out more! Her lips are just the cutest!


Boo has already sucked down two whole bottles today! Woot woot!
I think Apple is still a little pooped out from all his excitement yesterday, he is sleeping soundly!

Sunday, March 22, 2009


Apple's IV came out last night around midnight and he has been doing great since! His feedings have been upped to 25 CCs (almost 1 ounce) and tonight he was awake for his 6:00 feeding so we decided to try and have him bottle feed and he took the whole bottle and had a great little burp mid way through. He even stayed awake for awhile after. It was amazing! He is doing so well and getting so strong! He has even grown 1/4 inch!

Boo is now enjoying her new digs, I must admit to being a little paranoid about someone not realizing there is a baby in there....I know I am being irrational but I did mention it to the nurse and also acknowledged the crazy in it! She bottled at almost every feeding today, taking a few more CCs each time. We just talked with the nurse and she bottled at 9:00 leaving only 4 CCs left! She too has grown, 1/2 inch for her.

Saturday, March 21, 2009


The move to NIM really tuckered our little ones out! They were so sleepy today! We gave Boo a bath today and brought some outfits for her to wear. Boo went up 1 1/2 ounces today and weighs 4 lbs. 8 oz. now. We now are in need of finding some preemie gowns for Apple because he can wear clothes as soon as they pull his IVs! We are right now waiting for the nurse to hear back from the doctor about removing his IV. He took all his feedings today like a champ which was the requirement so hopefully we will find out during our next check-in. He is up to a whooping 2 lbs. 13 oz!!!
Kevin had a cold for the past couple of days and it is really wearing him out. We have been getting all the pumping necessities ready before bed so he doesn't need to wake up for anything and can get a good night's rest. I think today is the first day he is back on the upswing. He has been trying to keep his distance from the babes as much as possible and we both have been sanitizing like crazy and are wearing masks for a bit.