Boo is home! It feels a little like we are just babysitting, it is so wild! I love it! Makenzie came over to spend the night and got to spend some close time with her little sis. It was wonderful to see!
Apple is back up to 2 lbs. 13 oz! They continue to lower his isolette temperature and he is doing great maintaining his own temperature. They still can't pop the top because there is a weight requirement but he is ready. He took about 1 1/2 bottles today and was again wide awake afterward for a while.
Today I think was much harder than the day I left the hospital and couldn't bring either of them home. While we were thrilled to be bringinBoog Gwyneth home, it broke my heart to have to leave our little man there without his sister. We just have to remember that is the best place for him right now and we really are blessed to have such healthy, happy babies.
Awesome! Congratulations! We're praying for you all!
OMG....she is absolutely gorgeous!!! Congratulations on getting her home :=) You all remain in my thoughts and prayers and excited to hear about Liam's homecoming!!
Love Pam
WOW!!!! What good news about Gwyneth!!!! How exciting!!! I know your heart breaks that both of the twins can't be home, but it will happen in God's timing!!!! Enjoy the one on one time with Gwyneth - soon you'll have to split your time!!!! :))) Enjoy!!! Love, Gail
So glad to hear shes home! I bet you are beside yourselves! Enjoy! Love to all!
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